Company Details

Theyta Limited

Lion Rock 72, 1/F, InnoCentre 72 Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
+852 6671 6139
Mr. Charlie Poon

The information provided on this page is for reference only. Please refer to the latest information published by the partner company. is creating a community, a tool, and a common language to share data easily, and address the challenges related to data collection, analysis, and content generation. We aim to become the data marketing version of GitHub, by providing data sharing, visualizing and analysis. The Theyta platform is easy to use and offered in a plug-and-play manner. We envision that if people have powerful and intuitive tools, they can get more access to the data and extract more value from it. Theyta's mission is to act as a tool and promote the use and dissemination of data through a user-friendly design and plug-and-play functionality that allows people to extract insights and tell interesting stories using the Theyta platform. Both professional and non-professional users can browse, visualize, analyze, share and store data without requiring professional techniques or knowledge. The field of data analytics is bifurcating into two markets, one for laymen or domain experts, and the other for data specialists. While the market for data specialists is a red ocean, Theyta sees an untapped opportunity in serving non-data specialists and aims to fill the unmet demand.

Products and services offered by Theyta include:
a. A community of content readers, data generators, and content writers, providing crowd-sourced data models with easy visualization;
b. Providing powerful tools for content creators to analyze, visualize and organize their data/content with context awareness;
c. Data aggregation for data generators to store data in a well-organized way, including but not limited to data APIs, data scraping, machine learning and data analytics tools, private data storage, and customized data consultation; and
d. Core Technologies in NLP and deep learning facilitate data analysis and content generation.