Tender Notice
We’re constantly improving the way we catalyse innovation, and we need your help. Explore business opportunities with us on our online tendering system. More tender notices are listed in our new online Tendering system https://tender.hkstp.org Please visit the new system and use “Guest Login” in the Login Menu.
Latest Document
Works Contract No. PD/WC/333 Design and Build Fit-Out Works for SME Laboratory at Building 18W Invitation to Expression of Interest (EOI)
Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Enhancement Works for Micro-Electronics Centre (MEC) at Yuen Long INNOPARK Work Contract No. PD/WC/329
Request for Proposal (RFP) On Commercial Letting – Retail, Food & Beverage Shops in Hong Kong Science Park Ref. No.: RFP/2024/OMU/265
Admission Application for Precision Manufacturing Centre (“PMC”) at 3 Dai Hei Street, Tai Po INNOPARK (Ref: PMC/P014)
Admission Application for MARS Centre at 2 Dai Wang Street, Tai Po INNOPARK (Ref: MARS/M013)
Admission Application for Advanced Manufacturing Centre at 18 Chun Cheong Street, Tseung Kwan O INNOPARK (Ref: AMC/A013)