
Science Park


Constantly evolving into a global beacon of innovation and technology, HKSTP is where the most passionate game changers exchange ideas to spark world-unique innovation.

We are home to multidisciplinary research facilities, innovation spaces for businesses of all sizes, and a flagship co-living space that provides affordable accommodation for our community. This is one unique startup playground that does not exist elsewhere.

Science Park at a glance:

  • Provides 4 million sq.ft. (equivalent to 70 football fields) of R&D office and labs for innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Home to 1,800+ tech enterprises and companies from 29 countries and regions.
  • With a 22,000+ working population, 14,000+ of which are R&D professionals.

We offer the highest quality environment and culture for committed startups and enterprises. Join us and make waves at the region’s epicentre of innovation. Please click here for leasing enquiries.