Asia’s #1 IPO city for biotech

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)

World’s #2
emerging ecosystem

2023 Startup Genome Emerging Ecosystems

Top 10 worldwide frontier tech readiness

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Why build a tech business in Hong Kong?

Vibrant tech ecosystem

An entrepreneurial spirit, efficiency, and a "can-do" attitude are the staples driving Hong Kong's active startup scene. With a growing number of international tech ventures setting up offices or R&D facilities here, the innovation & technology industry is fast becoming a key pillar of our economy. 

World-class business infrastructure

Hong Kong's robust legal system, low taxation, business-friendly policies and strong IP protection create an ideal environment for tech companies to thrive. A well-developed financial sector provides startups with ample funding opportunities across growth stages. 

An accelerating digital economy

Our digital infrastructure supports 5G networks and encourages the building of high-performance computing and data centres. Policies are in place to facilitate and govern local and cross-border data flow, creating a safe environment for data collaboration and knowledge sharing. 

A launchpad to Asian & global markets

The city's strategic location at the heart of Asia and as a gateway to mainland China offers tech entrepreneurs unparalleled access to interconnected markets. With our key position within the Greater Bay Area, companies love the advantage of being close to manufacturing hubs for scaling considerations. 

The only Common Law jurisdiction in China

Our "One Country, Two Systems" is highly regarded by the business community and foreign investors. As the world's only jurisdiction that applies a bilingual system with both Chinese and English as official languages, our laws in areas like international investment, financing, business and trade are aligned with those of the world's major economies.

A strong R&D talent pool

Hong Kong is the only Asian city to have five universities among the world's top 100. Renowned for our abundant pool of professional service talents, we are also increasingly attracting global R&D talents in new realms driving our economy and society towards high‑quality development.