香港科技園致力於不斷發掘激發創新的最佳方式。為此,我們需要您的幫助。敬請前往香港科技園的網上招標系統,瀏覽一系列業務開展機會。請登入全新網上招標公告系統https://tender.hkstp.org ,瀏覽更多招標公告。登入時,請使用「訪客登入」。
Invitation for Tender for the Leasing of the Subsection 1 of Section F of Tai Po Town Lot No. 13 and Extensions Thereto Tai Po INNOPARK (“TP8”) (Ref: IF/TP8/2024-001)
Admission Application for Precision Manufacturing Centre (“PMC”) at 3 Dai Hei Street, Tai Po INNOPARK (Ref: PMC/P014)
Admission Application for MARS Centre at 2 Dai Wang Street, Tai Po INNOPARK (Ref: MARS/M013)
Admission Application for Advanced Manufacturing Centre at 18 Chun Cheong Street, Tseung Kwan O INNOPARK (Ref: AMC/A013)