4 Jan 2021
HKSTP joins coalition to develop a one-stop Gerontechnology Platform under the SIE Fund

Professor W. John Kao, Head of the Biomedical Technology Cluster at HKSTP, is optimistic about the prospects of gerontechnology. He believes the Gerontechnology Platform can strengthen social connections through technology. By working closely with stakeholders of different sectors, innovative solutions can be better integrated into our everyday lives to deliver new forms of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic care for our senior citizens.

34 HKSTP partner companies and incubatees joined the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) 2020 to showcase their cutting-edge technologies for enhancing healthcare and the quality of life of the elderly.
(Hong Kong, 4 January 2021) Spearheaded by the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund), the Gerontechnology Platform brings together stakeholders from different sectors to drive the development of the gerontechnology ecosystem in Hong Kong. The initiative is expected to enhance the quality of life of the elderly and the disabled, as well as provide support to their caregivers, families and healthcare institutions, which helps address the challenges of an ageing population. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) has been appointed as an intermediary to lead a coalition of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and nine collaborative partners to collectively promote the development and adoption of gerontechnology.
The Platform will comprise four basic functionalities, namely a knowledge hub; network and capacity building; consultancy, localisation and testing support; and impact assessment.
As one of the collaborative partners, HKSTP will play a vital role on the Platform by offering consulting services on non-manufacturing related support, helping gerontech developers to understand the industry and advance their technologies. The Corporation will also support gerontech startups and enterprises in technological development and commercialisation. Meanwhile, HKSTP will assist non-government organisations (NGOs) in identifying suitable gerontech solutions, and support startups and NGOs in solution testing. Networking and knowledge-building events such as seminars, workshops and NGO visits will be organised to enhance startups’ understanding of industry needs as well as showcase the latest gerontech products to the elderly care services sector, with the overarching goal of accelerating the development of market-ready gerontech solutions.
To facilitate the adoption of gerontechnology, HKSTP’s Healthy Ageing Platform will be leveraged to serve educational, promotional and networking purposes. The Platform helps connect Science Park companies, NGOs and stakeholders of the healthcare and elderly care services sectors, as well as promote industry adoption and trial of innovative solutions that alleviate pressure on caregivers while enhancing the quality of life of senior citizens.
Hong Kong Science Park is home to more than 900 tech companies, which focus on HKSTP’s strategic technology areas, including biomedical technology, artificial intelligence and robotics (AIR), data and smart city and fintech, all of which contribute to gerontechnology. Professor W. John Kao, Head of the Biomedical Technology Cluster at HKSTP, said, “The Corporation is honoured to be a part of the Gerontechnology Platform, which provides an ideal opportunity to strengthen social connections through technology. By working closely with stakeholders of different sectors, innovative solutions can be better integrated into our everyday lives to deliver new forms of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic care for our senior citizens. The prospect is heartening.”
The other eight collaborative partners of the Gerontechnology Platform are Global Centre for Modern Ageing Limited; Haven of Hope Christian Service; Hong Kong Productivity Council; Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Limited; Marsh (Hong Kong) Limited; Our Hong Kong Foundation Limited and School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong.
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