7 Feb 2024

Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024 Successfully Concluded Opened to Non-local Tertiary Institutions for the First Time and with Record-breaking Numbers in Participation

Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024 (HK Techathon+ 2024), the highly anticipated academic spectacle in innovation and technology (I&T), jointly organised by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and ten co-organising universities, has successfully concluded with overwhelming support and applause.

Key Takeaways 

  • Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024 jointly organised by the HKSTP and ten co-organising universities marks a historic milestone in terms of scale and participation with near 1,500 local and non-local participants.
  • A total of 92 startup teams from local and non-local tertiary institutions gathered during the three-day final competition, competing for top honours in the Local Student Group, Local Open Group, and International Group.
  • All of the winning teams of each track were awarded with initial funding, and also direct access to over HK$3 million seed funding and numerous incubation support programmes, gearing them up for success in realising their startup goals.