12 Jan 2022
HKSTP Fully Supports HKSAR Government’s Initiatives to Foster the Development of I&T Ecosystem
(Hong Kong, 12 January 2022) – Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) expresses its full support to HKSAR Government’s comprehensive plan to foster development of the innovation and technology (I&T) ecosystem, including providing additional land and resources for I&T and advanced manufacturing. The topic, which was covered during today’s first meeting of the new Legislative Council term, demonstrates the government’s vision and determination to promote I&T and re-industrialisation in Hong Kong to further grow and diversify its economy.
HKSTP will focus its strengths and resources to align with the government’s “Northern Metropolis Development Strategy”, establishing a “San Tin Technopole” which consolidates the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (HSITP) in the Lok Ma Chau Loop (the Loop) with areas around Lok Ma Chau/San Tin, while developing life science related industries for medical research and development purposes. Together with the Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Zone (Shenzhen I&T Zone), this strategy will further drive I&T collaboration and synergy between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Additionally, the expansion plan for Pak Shek Kok and Science Park, as well as the second phase of Science Park are progressing as planned, with a consultancy study to be commenced soon.
HKSTP welcomes the re-titling of the Innovation and Technology Bureau to the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau. HKSTP believes this will strengthen the connections and resources required to support the establishment of a robust I&T value chain. This will further promote I&T driven production or re-industrialisation to a higher level. At HKSTP, we will double down our efforts in nurturing more local I&T talent, attracting top talent from Mainland China and overseas, and helping local young people seize broader opportunities.
HKSTP will continue to collaborate extensively with stakeholders from government, industry, academic and research sectors to capitalise on the abundant opportunities arising from the national 14th Five-Year Plan. We remain committed to strengthening our support for scientific research across the Greater Bay Area (GBA), aiming to increase the global competitiveness of I&T in Hong Kong and the GBA, and propel Hong Kong to become an important engine contributing to the GBA to become an international hub for technological innovation.
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