14 Apr 2023

HKSTP and FHKI Nurture Young Entrepreneurs for I&T - “Innopreneur Experience Journey” Cohort 2 Concludes Successfully

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (“HKSTP”) and Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI”) co-organised “Innopreneur Experience Journey” Cohort 2, which concluded successfully with a closing and graduation ceremony at Hong Kong Science Park today.

Key Takeaways

  • HKSTP and FHKI co-organised “Innopreneur Experience Journey” Cohort 2, offering around 40 students from local secondary schools a chance to gain “executive shadowing” experience and hands-on work opportunities.
  • By deepening their interest and understanding in I&T and industry, the students could have better planning for their future studies and career path. 
  • HKSTP and FHKI have always been dedicated to nurturing talents with different backgrounds and experiences and encouraging them to join HK I&T and industrial sector, promoting “new industrialisation”, and improving the entire I&T ecosystem.