Medtech Co-Create


What is MedTech Co-create?

Upholding the commitment to expedite the translation of biomedical technologies, we have launched the latest initiative: MedTech Co-create.

Curated by HKSTP’s Institute for Translational Research (ITR), MedTech Co-create is a platform to stimulate technology co-creation and integration in our ecosystem. We aim to cultivate a culture of partnership across industries and technologies to reshape the future of healthcare.

We are a strong believer in collaboration. We have built the most vibrant ecosystem for startups to connect and inspire each other. Being an enabler, we are skilled at empowering innovators to think out of the box with their peers to spark world-changing ideas.

MedTech Co-create is one of our initiatives to build an integrated healthcare system, connecting the dots along the entire patient journey from disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and rehabilitation.


What will MedTech Co-create give you?


MTCC Funding Scheme

  • Grant HK$2M to support the translation of medtech R&D project

  • Exclusive to HKSTP Tenant



Biomed Awareness Campaign

  • Increase visibility and attention for HKSTP Company and its products/ services

  • Gain market access for medtech within local community

  • Transfer knowledge



Technology integration

  • Connect to the right market and get the opportunity to test products directly with end users

  • Translate your solutions into practical and commercial products to find the most effective B2B strategies.


Ecosystem gateway

HKSTP Portal

  • Access to Solutions

  • Match & Meet Business

  • Call for Collaboration

  • Engage with innovators


MedTech Co-create In Action

HKSTP x HKMA Talk Series on Biomedical Technologies (*CME Accredited)

To truly advance biomedical technologies, you have to stay abreast of the healthcare landscape. In collaboration with Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA), MedTech Co-create is delighted to present you “Talk Series on Biomedical Technologies”. Every month, we handpicked some of the best industry experts to update you on the hottest topics in the diverse biomedical arena.

Don’t miss out the opportunity to stay ahead of the game! We cordially invite park companies to inspire their audience to action and speed up the commercialisation process by bringing in guest speaker to the Talks. Contact us if you are interested in being one of the speakers!

All biotech enthusiasts are welcome to join and connect with the ideal solution solver. Join us now and register here!  




Aside from building a collaborative ecosystem, we have launched a MedTech Co-create Funding Scheme to enable startups in realising innovative healthcare solutions through collaboration. If you are eligible, contact our team now!


  • The Lead Applicant and Co-Applicant(s) must be partner company(ies) of HKSTPC* and will remain as tenant(s) of Hong Kong Science Park for the Funding Period.
  • The Lead Applicant and Co-Applicant(s) are not considered as affiliated companies (including but not limited to (1) being a subsidiary of the other; and (2) group companies) amongst themselves.
  • R&D# of the Project should be conducted in a leased or licensed premises of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks.


* Companies which are not HKSTP tenants should first apply for tenancy.

# Both lead and co-applicant have to demonstrate a practical details of project planning and provide preliminary evidence of the feasibility of the proposed technology in Application Form. 

How Do You Apply For MedTech Co-create Funding Scheme?


Email us at if you want to learn more about MedTech Co-create.