13 Jan 2023

Microbiome Summit 2023



13 Jan 2023


9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Hong Kong Time)


Grand Hall, 1/F, Building 12W, Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong

Microbiome Science, Innovation & Technology: The Time Has Come 

Microbiome Summit 2023 with the theme of “Microbiome Science, Innovation & Technology: The Time Has Come” will be held on Friday, 13 January 2023 where you can get the 1st hand information of microbiome research and its diagnostic and therapeutic applications as well as dynamic perspectives and insights from policy makers, investors, IP protection and legal practitioners, and academic leaders on how Hong Kong positions as a microbiome R&D hub both in the Greater Bay area and the Asia-Pacific region.

Why Should You Attend? 

  • A comprehensive programme specialized in Microbiome Science curated by MagIC microbiome research team covering the:
    • Forecast of important trends of microbiome research and business development
    • Practical case sharing on translational projects with diagnostic and therapeutic industry applications
    • IP protection and commercialisation
    • Opportunities of biotech development in the Greater Bay Area and Asia Pacific Region
    • Career crafting in microbiome science industry
  • Heavyweight moderators and speakers: Meet and connect with the leaders of policy makers, academia, IP experts and the biotechnology/pharmaceutical industry pioneers
  • Exhibition: Chat with the aspiring entrepreneurs and explore collaborations