HKSTP 20th Anniversary Event


3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.


Hong Kong Science Park

HKSTP 20th Anniversary Event Innovation Starts Here – Success Beyond Borders

Thanks to you, we have come this far and achieved so much. Our collective accomplishment and grit have propelled our I&T ecosystem forward. Now, it’s time to welcome the future—together, and with greater and bolder ambitions ahead.

Come and celebrate this momentous occasion with us! Join our 20th Anniversary Event and experience these exciting moments:

Visit the Innovator’s Wall

Location: Atrium Link
Exhibition period: 4 July onwards

Inspire by the success stories of our Innovators and Innofacturers that spark Hong Kong pride!

Experience the latest innovations at InnoMart

Location: G/F, Building 12W
Exhibition period:
11:30am – 6:00pm on 6 July
11:30am – 3:00pm on 7 – 8 July
11:00am – 6:00pm on 9 – 10 July

See the market-ready I&T solutions developed by our innovators and uncover how creative ideas are being transformed from research and development to innofacturing.

The main programme will be held at Grand Hall on 6 Jul from 3:40 – 4:45pm. Due to social distancing measures, only limited seats are available. Nevertheless, we will arrange live broadcast and you are cordially invited to join us. Stay tuned for the programme rundown and the virtual link!