


香港科技園公司率領科學園內六家科技公司,在瑞士著名的 「第43屆日內瓦國際發明展」取得驕人成績,凱旋而歸。

香港科技園公司率領科學園內六家科技公司,在瑞士著名的 「第43屆日內瓦國際發明展」取得驕人成績,凱旋而歸。



(香港,2015年4月19日)- 香港科技園公司十分高興宣佈,率領六家科學園園區科技公司,於瑞士著名的 「第43屆日內瓦國際發明展」中取得佳績。他們的創新發明在來自48個國家,超過750個參展者,達全球1,000 多項發明中脫穎而出,全面獲金!當中水中銀(國際)生物科技有限公司(Vitargent)更勇奪至高榮譽大獎(Grand Prix Du Salon International Des Invention De Geneve)。





  公司 Company 項目 Project 獎項 Award

3DP Technology Limited


3DP Technology Ltd is a Hong Kong company focusing in 3D printer development and production. They are committed to popularize 3D printing technology through the production of high quality and value for money 3D printers. The company has a collection of 3D printers in different size and spec, from kit form to fully assembled unit for users varies from students to SMEs.

Scalable Delta 3D Printer & Removable Dispenser Cartridge

研發出家用3D打印機,可按物件比例,印出由1,800至60,000立方厘米體積內的成品,打印物料包括塑膠、陶瓷、 金屬,更可以朱古力打印心目中的造型。

A household 3D printer that can print out products from1,800 to 60,000 cubic centimeters. Printable materials include plastics, ceramics, metals and even chocolate.

  1. 評審團嘉許金獎
    Gold Medal
    (congratulations from the jury)
  2. 羅斯健體與美容研究所醫生頒發創新獎
    Innovation Award, Institute of Health and Beauty by Doctor Mukhina, Russia

B-Free Technology Limited

必飛科技有限公司﹝B-Free﹞是香港科技園公司「科技創業培育計劃」的培育公司之一,由李少麟先生創辦,專門研發多功能電動輪椅 ─ 「必飛椅」。公司自2011年已成功為產品於中國、香港、台灣、英國、美國、澳洲、印度及歐盟申請專利。同年12月其產品原型更於香港貿易發展局舉辦的「設計及創新科技博覽」首次展出。

B-Free Technology is an incubatee of HKSTPC under the Incu-Tech Incubation Programme. It is founded by Alan Lee who developed the multi-functional electronic wheelchair – the B-Free Chair. The company successfully obtained the invention patent from a number of countries, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, UK, US, Australia, India and the European Union in 2011. The first prototype was showcased at Inno Design Tech Expo in the same year.

B-Free Chair - All Terrain Multi-Function Stair-Climbing Power Wheelchair

「必飛越障椅」 最大特點是採用了二段式履帶驅動設計,其專用履帶及專利雙翼安全鎖,將車身一分為二,運行時履帶就像蛇子爬行一般,緊抓每級樓梯,更可沿著高度不一的梯級蜿蜒攀爬。

B-Free Chair which can climb up and down stairs, even when the steps vary in height.

  1. 評審團嘉許金獎
    Gold Medal
    (congratulations from the jury)
  2. 俄羅斯發明培育者大獎
    Incubator of Inventions of Russia
  3. 意大利發明協會頒發發明家榮譽
    Certificate of Inventor Emeritus, Associazione Nazionale Degli Inventori, Italy

S Square System Limited

S Square System Limited於2011年成立,是一家以香港為基地的三維科技應用公司,他們致力通過三維科技的力量連接人及世界。該公司的合作夥伴遍佈香港、台灣、中國、歐洲以及北美洲。他們集中開發最先進的一些3D視覺產品,如實時3D掃描系統、360度掃描系統,以及快速移動的3D虛擬構圖的應用程式。

S Square System Limited is a Hong Kong based 3D application company founded in 2010. We are an expert team specialized in 3D vision technology, with office and partners in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Europe and North America. They have developed some state-of-art 3D vision products, like real-time 3D scanner, 3D full-body photo capture system, and rapid 3D avatar building mobile app. They will continue to explore technology and application in 3D imaging and computer vision.

Multiple sensor full-body 3D scanning system


A multiple sensor full-body 3D scanning system with a 3D marker to detect and define your area of interest in a short period of time and reduce complicated procedures.

  1. 評審團嘉許金獎
    Gold Medal
    (congratulations from the jury)
  2. 羅馬尼亞科學部頒發文憑
    Diploma, Scientific Community of ROMANIA

Sunlight Eco-tech Limited

新盈環保科技有限公司成立於2013成立,是一所為客戶提供能源轉換系統和提升能源效能的解決方案的公司。我們的業務包括清潔能源,如太陽能發電;CVD i-coating 科技的節能產品;智能電網以及綠色的高效運輸。

Sunlight Eco-Tech is established and admitted into Hong Kong Science and Technology Park’s Incu-Tech Programme in 2013. They are a company providing customers with energy conversion systems and providing solutions to improve their energy efficiency. Our business includes clean energy, such as solar power; energy saving products by using CVD i-coating technology; smart grids as well as green efficient transportation.

Outdoor full color HP (high polymer) LED display


A water proof, dust proof, anti stain, environmental friendly LED display for outdoor usage. It is ultra thin and light, has a long life and low electricity consumption, thus solving the problems of traditional LED modules

  1. 評審團嘉許金獎
    Gold Medal
    (congratulations from the jury)

Vitargent (International) Biotechnology Limited


Vitargent established its research base at the Hong Kong Science Park in 2011. By sharing the advanced biotechnology research equipment already situated in the Park, Vitargent saved tens of millions of research costs and sped up the launch of its biological toxicology testing technology to the market ensuring the public benefited from their invention as quickly as practical.

Non-animal in vivo testing method


Vitargent has invented the first-in-the-world “transgenic medaka fish” and “zebrafish” embryo toxicity (FET) test technologies, which are able to comprehensively and effectively can screen over 1,000 toxins in 48 to 72 hours after the sample has been inoculated. This method is fast and cost-effective, and can be used in many areas such as food, medicine, cosmetics, as well as monitoring the sewage system.

  1. 日內瓦國際發明展至高榮譽大獎
    Grand Prix Du Salon International Des Invention De Genève
  2. 評審團嘉許金獎
    Gold Medal
    (congratulations from the jury)
  3. 中國代表團獎
    Honourable Mention, China Delegation of Invention and Innovation

Well Being Digital Ltd


Well Being Digital (WBD101) is a Hong Kong based company that aims to enable affordable & accurate underlying technologies for mHealth/wearable devices.

Multi-optical sensor blood flow analysis


Multi-optical sensor blood flow analysis is helping to improve the functions and qualities of wearable products with the development of a multi-optical sensor to monitor the progress of athletes and fitness personnel.

  1. 金獎
    Gold medal
  2. 羅馬尼亞教育及科學創新研究代表團特別大獎
    AWARD of the Romanian Delegation Ministry of Education and Scientific Research National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation


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