

柏橋生物科技及Neosen Energy勇奪「火炬獎」 表掦其傑出科研成果及對創科生態圈的貢獻


Albert Wong, Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, delivered a welcome remarks at the Asian Association of Business Incubation Awards Ceremony 2019.


George Tee (2nd from right), Chief Technology Officer of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, and Peter Mok (1st from right), Head of Incubation & Acceleration Programmes, of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, received the Incubator of the Year Award 2019 from Dr. Huang Chingyao (1st from left), President of the Asian Association of Business Incubation, and Mr. Phillip Kemp (2nd from left), Vice President of the Asian Association of Business Incubation, in recognition of HKSTP’s ongoing efforts and outstanding performance in nurturing the growth and success of technology startups.

香港科技園公司首席科技總監戴紹龍(右二)及香港科技園公司科技創業培育計劃及企業加速器總監莫偉軒(右一)從亞洲企業孵化協會主席黃經堯博士(左一)及亞洲企業孵化協會副主席Phillip Kemp(左二)接受「年度最佳孵化器大獎」殊榮,彰顯科技園公司致力扶植初創成長的努力和傑出表現。

Cypress Bio-Tech, an incubatee of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, and Neosen Energy, a graduate incubate from the Corporation, earned recognition from the Asian Association of Business Incubation for their outstanding innovations and contributions to the global start-up community. Dr. Michael Choi, Chief Technology Officer of Cypress Bio-Tech (Middle on top), received the AABI Torch Award for Technology Transfer, and Kelvin Wong (Middle on bottom), Director of Neosen Energy, took home the AABI Torch Award for Promising Entrepreneur. Cypress Bio-Tech, an incubatee of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, and Neosen Energy, a graduate incubate from the Corporation, earned recognition from the Asian Association of Business Incubation for their outstanding innovations and contributions to the global start-up community. Dr. Michael Choi, Chief Technology Officer of Cypress Bio-Tech (Middle on top), received the AABI Torch Award for Technology Transfer, and Kelvin Wong (Middle on bottom), Director of Neosen Energy, took home the AABI Torch Award for Promising Entrepreneur.

香港科技園公司的培育公司「柏橋生物科技」及畢業於旗下培育計劃之「Neosen Energy」,其科研成果及貢獻獲得亞洲企業孵化協會肯定。「柏橋生物科技」首席科技總監蔡崢鳴博士(上圖中)獲頒「火炬技術轉移獎」,「Neosen Energy」董事黃鎮濤(下圖中)則獲得「火炬最具潛力企業家獎」。

Delegates from the Asian Association of Business Incubation gathered at Hong Kong Science Park to share trends and views on how to boost the incubation industry ecosystem in the region.


(香港,2019117日)– 香港科技園公司(科技園公司)今天在2019亞洲企業孵化協會(Asian Association of Business Incubation)頒獎典禮上榮獲「年度最佳孵化器大獎」,對科技園公司透過其頂尖的培育計劃推動香港科技初創的孵化和培育上所作出的努力和成就予以充分肯定。 



今年3月,科技園公司嘉許了80間自「網動科技創業培育計劃」(Incu- App) 、「科技創業培育計劃」(Incu-Tech)及「生物科技創業培育計劃」(Incu-Bio) 畢業的初創企業。除了來自香港的初創外,畢業公司中更包括來自加拿大、俄羅斯及美國等地的初創。今年畢業的初創企業共奪得99個創新獎,申請或註冊了38項專利,以及從天使投資者及創投基金公司合共募集一億三千四百萬港元的資金,為香港未來的創科發展注入源源動力。 

亞洲企業孵化協會亦分別向「柏橋生物科技」及「Neosen Energy」頒發「火炬獎」,以嘉許兩間公司的傑出表現。 


「Neosen Energy」畢業於科技園公司之培育計劃,專門從事無線電源、太陽能可再生能源轉化及LoRa無線傳輸技術的硬件開發。在公司董事黃鎮濤的領導下,通過開發太陽能可再生解決方案及LoRa物聯網基建來創造商機,獲亞洲企業孵化協會頒發「火炬最具潛力企業家獎」。 

黃克強補充:「亞洲企業孵化協會對『柏橋生物科技』及『Neosen Energy』的認同,反映香港的研發能力及創意已在全球建立穩固基礎,他們的成功即是我們的成就,更為科技園公司實現更多超乎預期的成就注入動力。」



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