
香港科技园公司连续三年带领园区公司参与「乐龄科技博览暨高峰会」 展示最新乐龄科技创新方案


The 3rd Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit showcased cross-disciplinary gerontech innovations on a diverse basis, in a bid to elevate the quality of life for the elderly. Officiating guests at the opening ceremony were:  Dr. Chi-kwong Law, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the HKSAR Government (centre); Mr. Bernard Chan, Chairperson of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (second from the left); Dr. Sunny Chai, Chairman of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (second from the right); Dr. Rosanna Wong, Steward of The Hong Kong Jockey Club (first from the left); Ms. Ivy Deng, Senior Project Officer of China Merchants Foundation (first from the right).


  • 香港特区政府劳工及福利局局长 罗致光博士(中)
  • 香港社会服务联会主席 陈智思议员(左二)
  • 香港科技园公司主席 查毅超博士(右二)
  • 香港赛马会董事 王䓪鸣博士(左一)
  • 招商局慈善基金会高级项目官员 邓晓琳女士(右一)

HKSTP hosted one of the largest pavilions at GIES this year with the theme of “Tech-empowered Healthy Ageing”.

香港科技园公司今年的展馆以「创科引领 绽放乐龄」为主题,是场内规模最大的展区之一。

As the co-organiser of GIES for the third consecutive year, HKSTP led 29 Science Park companies to demonstrate their gerontech-based innovations to elderly persons, caretakers and elderly centre representatives at the 5-day event. As the co-organiser of GIES for the third consecutive year, HKSTP led 29 Science Park companies to demonstrate their gerontech-based innovations to elderly persons, caretakers and elderly centre representatives at the 5-day event.



香港科技园公司今年的展馆以「创科引领 绽放乐龄」为主题,是场内规模最大的展区之一,呈现了跨科技领域的创新产品及方案,当中包括辅助设备丶预测应用服务丶早期诊断设备丶穿戴式智能产品及健康监测平台等。所有示范方案结合了物联网丶人工智能丶感应器及大数据分析等不同科技,展示园区公司於长者安老丶家居护理丶治疗和复康等服务范畴的科研成果。




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