Company Details

C-Link Research & Development Limited

Unit 537A & B, 5/F, Core Building 2, No. 1 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Hong Kong
+852 26037160
Ling Leung

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C-Link Research and Development Limited is a Hong Kong based company specializes in the service of ceramic antique authentication by thermoluminescence (TL) technique. It originates from Yeung Shui Sang Laboratory for Thermoluminescence of Ancient Ceramics in the Chinese University of Hong Kong focus on the research of TL technology for dating ancient ceramics. In year 2000, it reformed to be C&C Authentication Laboratory Limited and accepted business from public. Mournfully, Dr. Dennis Lo, the director of C&C Authentication Laboratory, passed away in the tsunami in December 2004. Afterwards, C-Link Research and Development Limited continues the business and provides the authentication and dating services as usual in 2005. Our company mainly targets its authentication services at the customers in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan. Our clients include antique art dealers, personal collectors as well as the draw buyers of International Auction Houses. Our goal is to link scientific methodology to archeology. Results from academic research will be put to serve needs in authentication and archeological dating.

Thermoluminescence (TL) is the phenomenon of the emission of light from solids when it is heated. This light is the result of the release of energy which has been stored in the form of trapped electrons, in the substance through the absorption of nuclear radiation to which the substance has been exposed. Consequently the amount of TL observed is proportional to the overall dose of radiation which has been received. In most ceramics there are mineral constituents (e.g., quartz) which have the property of TL. Heating the ceramic to around 500C or more removes the geologically accumulated TL completely. Thus the firing of raw clay into ceramic sets the “TL clock” to zero time. Thereafter the TL in the ceramic grows with time from zero to the present amount observed.