Company Details

Datafarm Limited

+852 94694320
Dr. King Hong Cheung

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DataFarm believes that the key to data annotation sustainability and quality rests with crowdsourcing and the engagement with well qualified and trained Data Engineers. Its products and service address three pain points in the industry: management of remote workforces, visibility of data annotation project progress, and most important of all data annotation quality assurance. DataFarm will develop a Workforce Management System, a Data Annotation Project Dashboard, and a proprietary Quality Assurance Methodology that can help reduce data annotation cost while preserving high data annotation quality.

DataFarm will provide data annotation service to AI system developers, AI technology providers, universities, and research institutes. The service is a consultancy service in which DataFarm will engage to understand customer's business needs, seek advice from experts in the application domain, identify data sources, collect data, define annotation scope, define the Data Annotation Specification, and annotate data using cost-competitive resources. The service aims to free customers from the tedious annotation work. It also frees customers from managing the frustrating annotation workload during the AI application development cycle. Customers also have visibility on project progress and resources through DataFarm’s products.

DataFarm believes that the key to data annotation sustainability and quality rests with crowdsourcing and the engagement with well qualified and trained Data Engineers. Its products and service address three pain points in the industry: management of remote workforces, visibility of data annotation project progress, and most important of all data annotation quality assurance. DataFarm will develop a Workforce Management System, a Data Annotation Project Dashboard, and a proprietary Quality Assurance Methodology that can help reduce data annotation cost while preserving high data annotation quality.